Best IIT JEE Coaching Institute in Hyderabad

Improve your speed in problem solving for JEE

1. Initially, you have to study the theory of all topics in your syllabus. While studying the theory, project the topics on an application-oriented basis to memorize the topics you read for a long time. This will help you in recalling your preparation when you see a question from your syllabus.

2. Make conceptual learning to solve the problems with better understanding and make a quick response on seeing the question.

3. Never miss any questions in the exercises as it may affect your answering in the JEE Exam. Your perfection lies in your preparation in all topics.

4. Studying is an asset, only if you start solving problems every day for at least two to three hours on each topic. Schedule your timetable and make sure you allot particular time for problem solving.

5. After the study and practice of problem-solving, a self-assessment is required in order to analyze yourselves. Take as many mock tests as possible to know how many ways the question can be asked in the JEE Exam. Try to attempt many times till you become perfect in every topic you learnt.

6. In the practice and mock tests you take, try to be able to solve one question in different ways and note down the time taken to find the solution in different ways.

7. Here, your IQ and memory power shall be your strength in solving questions of JEE as you can reduce the problem-solving time by memorizing the formulae of Maths, Physics and Chemistry.

8. Meanwhile, you must know the priority of problem-solving because a few questions may halt your solving capability. Thus do not lose your time on a particular question, if you aren’t able to solve that within time. At the same time, you must get help from your mentor to know the proper way of solving the problem.

9. While you are in the exam, solve the simple questions and less time taking problems earlier and move to hard and time-consuming questions later. This will help you not miss any known answer to you.

10. Balance your accuracy and quickness while solving the problems. This can be achieved only by making more practice and attending more mock tests every day.

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